Cover works Yan Fu Li “Tsui Court Golden Road” “Tsui Court Golden Road” 47cm high, 45cm wide. In 2007, the material Jun porcelain, reducing the flame firing 1320 degrees. Patent No .: ZL200530103076.9, her beauty “containing ” Without revealing, small cautious, speaks of words, the world, there is content is large, inclusive, open minded, full of economy, although the cherry mouth is not open, However, deep meaning, the inner beauty of the United States makes you deja vu, her tusi can tolerate, subtle, tolerant and the profound mystery of oriental culture, making it even more infinite charm of life. The first high-temperature kiln change “golden inlay Cui ” artistic effect, such as Fei Si Tsui glazed gold fluttering, like Cotai Road, a symbol of smooth road, rich sources, happiness and well-being.