坚持改革创新 强化系统管理 省高院推进全省基层人民法院建设扫描(二)

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改革既是观念更新、制度创新,又是权力调整、利益重组。为了使基层法院建设从根本上充满生机和活力,省高级人民法院注意深入基层抓试点,总结经验抓推广,完善制度抓管理,努力探求通过各项改革确保司法公正的审判工作新机制。改革干部人事制度。为了切实加强法院队伍建设,搞活用人机制,去年4月,他们与省委组织部联合下发了《全省法院系统干部人事制度改革的若干规定》,重点对基层法院的人事制度改革进行了规范和指导。一是严格实行编制管理和逢进必考制度,对未经省法院统一审核进人的,一切手续都不予办理。同时,集中清理清退某层法院超编人员260余名,占基层法院超编总数的82.5%。二是推行法官选任和逐级遴选制度,凡经公开招考录用的高等法律院校毕业生,原则上充实到基层法院和人民法庭任职,工作满两年 Reform is not only the concept of innovation, system innovation, but also the adjustment of power, interest restructuring. In order to make grass-roots court construction fundamentally full of vigor and vitality, the provincial people’s court paid more attention to grassroots-level pilot projects, summed up experiences and promoted promotion of the system, improved management of the system, and tried hard to find a new mechanism for judicial work through various reforms to ensure judicial fairness. Reform the cadre and personnel system. In order to earnestly strengthen the construction of the ranks of the court and invigorate the employment mechanism, in April last year, they jointly issued with the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department a number of “Regulations on the Reform of the Personnel System in Provincial Court Cadres,” which focused on the reform of the personnel system in grass-roots courts Specification and guidance. First, the strict implementation of the system of compiling management and compulsory examination, without a unified review of the provincial court to enter, all procedures are not handled. At the same time, more than 260 super-compiled personnel of a certain court were centrally cleared and cleared, accounting for 82.5% of the total number of super-courts in grass-roots courts. Second, the system of selecting and graduating judges should be promoted. Graduates of higher law institutions who have been enrolled for public admission should, in principle, be employed by grass-roots courts and people’s tribunals for a full term of two years
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