市场经济的“大潮”挟风携电,汹涌地拍击着华夏的每一寸土地。置身“海”边,待遇问题,后路问题,军人的价值与地位问题等等,深深地困扰着部队官兵的思想和行为,影响着部队的建设。 面对前所未有的大变革,面对社会上出现的经商风、下“海”潮、拜金热,武警宁夏总队的各级党委、支部没有迟疑,他们敢碰热点,善解难点,用生动活泼、扎实有效的思想政治工作,为部队建设注入了新的生机和活力。
The “tide” of the market economy carries the power by wind and raps every inch of land in Huaxia. Exposure to the “sea” edge, treatment issues, the problem of rear roads, the issue of the value and status of military personnel, and so on have deeply plagued the thinking and behavior of the officers and men of the armed forces and have an impact on the building of the army. In the face of the great changes unprecedented in history and in the face of the business climate in the society, the party committees and branches at all levels of the Ningxia Corps under the “sea” tide and the worships money and gold fever did not hesitate. They dared to touch the hot spots, understand the difficulties, use lively, A solid and effective ideological and political work has injected new vigor and vitality into army building.