
来源 :小学数学教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zskarl
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在湖北武汉参加全国第十一届深化小学数学教学改革观摩交流会,聆听了江苏省吴冬冬老师执教的“长方体和正方体的认识”一课,深深地为吴老师精湛的教学艺术、“简约大气”的教学设计所折服。吴老师这节课平实、真实、扎实、简洁、清晰、流畅,成就了精彩的课堂。一、操作体验中感知操作是数学学习的一种手段,目的是更好地促进学生对数学知识的理解,能用数学的语言、符号进行表达和交流;体验是学习者的心理行为,操作只能为学习者提供体验的条件,体验既能对数学内容有更深刻的理解,又能产生积极的情感。学生数学体验的获取主要是通过操作实践,操作活动是多种感官协调参与的学习活 In Hubei Wuhan to participate in the 11th deepening elementary mathematics teaching reform exchange meeting, listening to Jiangsu Province, Dong winter teacher taught “rectangular and cube understanding ” a lesson, for Wu superb teaching art “Simple atmosphere” teaching design impressed. Teacher Wu This lesson is level, true, solid, concise, clear and smooth, and has a wonderful classroom. First, the operation experience Perception operation is a means of mathematical learning, the purpose is to better promote students understanding of mathematical knowledge, can use mathematical language, symbols to express and exchange; experience is the learner’s psychological behavior, the operation only Can provide learners with the conditions of experience, experience can not only have a deeper understanding of mathematical content, but also have a positive emotion. The acquisition of students’ mathematics experience is mainly through the practice of operation, and the activity of operation is the learning and living of many kinds of sensory coordination and participation
目的阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)是神经系统常见的以认知障碍为特征的退行性疾病,以基底前脑胆碱能神经元的退变为主要的病理特征之一。β-淀粉样蛋白(amyloid p
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