文章以马斯洛的需要层次理论为指导,以情感生活为主线 ,对高校中青年女教师的婚前交往和婚后生活进行了分析,研究结果表明:高校中青年女教 师的婚姻质量普遍高于一般群体,她们的婚姻状况与其婚前交往自由充分、择偶慎重、婚后 的独立性和平等性等密切相关。婚后冲突相对较少,更善于为婚姻生活增加情趣、营造浪漫 ,感情生活的满意度较高。加强夫妻间异源文化的磨合沟通是今后中青年女教师提高婚姻质 量的重要内容。
Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and emotional life as the main line, the article analyzes the prenuptial communication and married life of young and middle-aged female teachers in colleges and universities. The results show that the quality of marriage among young and middle-aged female teachers is generally higher than In the general population, their marital status is closely related to their pre-marital freedom, cautiousness of marriage, independence and equality after marriage. Relatively few conflicts after marriage, more good for the marriage to increase interest, create a romantic, emotional life satisfaction higher. It is an important part for young and middle-aged female teachers to improve the quality of marriage in the future to strengthen the communication between heterosexual couples.