2008年,一个工业设计会议在旧金山召开前夕,很多酒店客满为患。两位失业的年轻人BRIAN CHESKY和JOE GEBBIA,看到一房难求,便萌生了将闲置公寓出租的念头。他们创建了AirBnB网站(第一个B是bed-床;第二B是breakfast-早餐)。当年8月,他们正式推出“空床+早餐”的模式,为游历天下的旅行者创造处处有家的社交网络。至2015年,AirBnB拥有了超过1500万的用户,近100万的客房供应者,覆盖近200个国家的35000个城市,平台估值近150
In 2008, on the eve of an industrial design conference in San Francisco, many hotels were overcrowded. Two unemployed young people BRIAN CHESKY and JOE GEBBIA, saw a room hard to find, it sprouted the idea of renting vacant apartments. They created the AirBnB website (the first B is bed-bed; the second B is breakfast-breakfast). In August of that year, they formally launched the “empty bed + breakfast” model to create a home-made social network for travelers who travel around the world. By 2015, AirBnB has more than 15 million users, nearly 1 million guest houses, covering 35,000 cities in nearly 200 countries and a platform valuation of nearly 150