
来源 :实用放射学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psty2006
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淋巴瘤是发生于淋巴结或淋巴组织的恶性病变。胃淋巴瘤主要起自胃黏膜下层的淋巴滤泡,沿黏膜下层浸润性生长。可以是全身淋巴瘤在胃的局部表现,也可以是孤立的胃淋巴瘤。胃淋巴瘤分局限型、弥漫型[1] 。本文报道经手术病理证实1例弥漫型胃淋巴瘤,误诊为胃癌,浅谈CT结合X线钡餐 Lymphoma is a malignant disease that occurs in lymph nodes or lymphoid tissues. Gastric lymphoma mainly from the gastric submucosa of lymphoid follicles, invasive growth along the submucosa. It can be a systemic manifestation of systemic lymphomas in the stomach, it can also be isolated gastric lymphoma. Gastric lymphoma sub-limited type, diffuse type [1]. This article reports 1 case of diffuse gastric lymphoma confirmed by surgery and pathology, misdiagnosed as gastric cancer, talking about CT combined with X-ray barium meal
This paper introduces the method of producing PWM signal in microcomputer control system .The specific calculation method and a typical application is given in
This paper introduces the implementation method,key technology and flowchart of Client/Server’s asynchronous communication programs on Linux or Unix,and furthe
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目的探讨MR对颈动脉海绵窦瘘的诊断价值.方法 23例经DSA检查证实的颈动脉海绵窦瘘,应用Toshiba 0.5T磁共振扫描仪进行眼部及颅脑常规MRI及3D TOF MRA扫描,回顾性分析其MRI及M
目的 探讨研究全面优质护理对剖宫产产妇康复质量及满意度的影响.方法 选取2016年8月~2017年8月在我院行剖宫产的产妇100例,采用电脑软件将其随机分为参照组和研究组,各50例.
The router needs responding and disposing masses of data which passes in computer net, meantime it ensures the process of data-passing prompt,stabilization and