[摘要] 目的 研究富血小板血漿(PRP)联合右归饮对大鼠骨质疏松性骨折的影响。 方法 8月龄SPF级SD雌性大鼠148只,随机分为4 组:空白模型组(K组)、右归饮组(Y组)、PRP组(P组)、联合组(L组)。K组不做处理,其中P组和L组于骨折造模术前眼眶采血,制备PRP,在骨折模型建立术中将PRP凝胶注入骨折端;Y组及L组给予右归饮灌胃。观察骨折端影像学以及病理组织学变化,比较四组骨折愈合情况。 结果 从Micro-CT的骨痂图可见Y组、P组及L组在骨折后同一时间点骨痂的骨量较K组高。定量分析得出,每个时间点都是L组BV及BV/TV最高。组织病理学观察可见各实验组较K组的骨痂生长有明显改善。免疫组织化学观察结果:Col2a1在L组和P组在骨折术后1周表现为中度阳性,术后2周为强阳性,术后4周与6周为弱阳性。Y组骨折术后1周、2周均表现为中度阳性,术后4周与6周为弱阳性,K组术后1周表现为中度阳性,2周和4周时表现为弱阳性,6周时表现为阴性。 结论 L组治疗大鼠骨质疏松性骨折较单纯的P组和Y组治疗效果更佳,能显著提高大鼠骨质疏松性骨折愈合质量,明显缩短骨折愈合周期。
[关键词] 骨质疏松;骨折愈合;右归饮;富血小板血浆
[中图分类号] R285.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)28-0042-05
[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of platelet-rich plasma(PRP) combined with Youguiyin on osteoporotic fractures in rats. Methods 148 8-month SPF female SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: blank model group (group K), Youguiyin group (group Y), PRP group (group P), and combination group (group L). No treatment was performed in group K. The blood of group P and group L was collected from the eyelids before fracture surgery to prepare PRP, and PRP gel was injected into the fracture end during the establishment of fracture model. Group Y and group L were given Youguiyin by gavage. The changes in imaging and histopathology at the fracture end were observed and the fracture healing of the four groups was compared. Results The osteotomy map of Micro-CT showed that bone mass of bone callus was higher in group Y, group P, and group L than that in group K at the same time after fracture. Quantitative analysis showed that the BV and BV/TV of group L was the highest at each time point. Histopathological observation showed that the growth of bone callus in the experimental group was significantly better than that in the group K. immunohistochemistry results showed that Col2a1 was moderate positive in the group L and P at 1 week after fracture, strong positive at 2 weeks and weak positive at 4 and 6 weeks after operation. Col2a1 in group Y was moderate positive at 1 and 2 weeks postoperatively and weak positive at 4 and 6 weeks postoperatively. Col2a1 in group K was moderate positive at 1 week postoperatively and weak positive at 2 and 4 weeks postoperatively, and negative at 6 weeks after surgery. Conclusion The treatment of osteoporotic fractures in group L is better than that in group P and Y in the treatment of osteoporotic fractures. It can significantly improve the quality of osteoporotic fracture healing in rats and significantly shorten the period of fracture healing. [Key words] Osteoporosis; Fracture healing; Youguiyin; Platelet-rich plasma
骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)是以低骨量和骨微细结构破坏为特征从而导致骨脆性和骨折风险增加的一种全身骨骼性疾病,骨微结构破坏是骨质疏松性骨折发生的直接原因[1]。富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma,PRP)可释放多种生长因子,在细胞增殖、细胞分化、趋化作用和血管形成方面发挥重要作用,可促进干细胞向成骨细胞诱导分化,加速骨折愈合,目前已广泛应用于骨缺损、骨折不愈合及软组织疾病的治疗和研究[2-6]。右归饮作为温补肾阳的代表方剂,有学者[7]研究认为可调整内环境,减少骨吸收,促进骨形成,促使成骨-破骨耦联向成骨方向转化,从而增加骨容积,治疗骨质疏松症临床效果已得到学者认可。本实验将富血小板血浆联合右归饮作用于骨质疏松模型大鼠,并观察二者在大鼠骨质疏松性骨折愈合过程中的协同治疗作用,为临床治疗提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 药物
右归饮按照《景岳全书》方药组成:熟地9 g、山药6 g、山茱萸3 g、枸杞6 g、制附子9 g、肉桂3 g、甘草3 g、杜仲6 g。用传统方法先煎附子20 min,后加入其余药。由浙江省中医院中药制剂室提供。
1.2 实验动物
1.3 富血小板血浆制备
PRP组和联合组大鼠于骨折造模术前眼眶采血3 mL,注入含有枸橼酸钠溶液的离心管中,采用Landsberg法[8]制备PRP。
1.4 分组与造模
1.4.1 分组 K组:空白模型组;Y组:右归饮组;P组:富血小板血浆(PRP)组;L组:右归饮联合PRP组。所有大鼠按照随机数字表法排序并平均分配于4个组内,每组37只,每个组分骨折术后2、4、6周3个时间点,每个时间点3只大鼠,剩余每组28只,每个组分4个时间点,分别是骨质疏松性骨折模型建立术后1、2、4、6周,每个时间点各7只。
1.4.2 去卵巢大鼠骨质疏松模型 腹腔注射氯胺酮(60 mg/kg)麻醉,经背侧正中切口,行双侧卵巢切除并结扎相应营养血管,逐层缝合,术后给予肌肉注射青霉素针10万U/只,每日2次,连续3 d。
1.4.3 胫骨开放性骨折模型[9] 去卵巢术后3个月再次腹腔注射氯胺酮麻醉,取大鼠双侧胫骨前方备皮,大鼠仰卧位,用10号圆刀片在双侧胫骨结节皮肤沿纵轴做一长约1.5 cm 皮肤切口,显露胫骨结节及其远端胫骨,距胫骨结节下方5 mm处,取1 mmφ克氏针交叉鉆孔,组织剪锐性离断,用1 mmφ克氏针在断端髓腔内逆行内固定,逐层缝合。手术均在严格无菌条件下进行,常规肌肉注射青霉素针10万U/只,每日2次,连续3 d。
1.4.4 标本采集 大鼠断颈处死后,沿原切口显露胫骨及骨折部位,延长切口上至膝关节,下至踝关节。在踝、膝关节间隙平面横行剪断,完整取出胫骨标本,轻柔拔除克氏针。标本放入10%中性福尔马林溶液中浸泡3 d固定。
1.5 给药方法
1.5.1 右归饮给药 Y组及L组大鼠骨折造模术后给予右归饮灌胃,灌胃剂量根据体表面积换算公式A=k·W2/3,以60 kg 成人用药量及体表面积为参考标准,计算出动物用药剂量作为给药剂量。
1.5.2 富血小板血浆干预 根据分组情况,在大鼠双侧胫骨近端骨折模型建立术中将预先制备好的PRP凝胶注入骨折端。
1.6 观察指标与方法
1.6.1 Micro-CT 扫描及三维重建分析[10] 将术后1、2、4周的胫骨骨折标本行骨痂局部micro-CT 扫描及骨折部位与周边骨三维重建分析。每组图片在同一条件下进行3-D重建,并用μCT系统的评估软件进行形态计量学分析,着重测量骨性骨痂体积(BV)和骨性骨痂体积百分比(BV/TV %)。
1.6.2组织形态学观察[11] ①苏木精-伊红染色(hematoxylin
[关键词] 骨质疏松;骨折愈合;右归饮;富血小板血浆
[中图分类号] R285.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)28-0042-05
[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of platelet-rich plasma(PRP) combined with Youguiyin on osteoporotic fractures in rats. Methods 148 8-month SPF female SD rats were randomly divided into four groups: blank model group (group K), Youguiyin group (group Y), PRP group (group P), and combination group (group L). No treatment was performed in group K. The blood of group P and group L was collected from the eyelids before fracture surgery to prepare PRP, and PRP gel was injected into the fracture end during the establishment of fracture model. Group Y and group L were given Youguiyin by gavage. The changes in imaging and histopathology at the fracture end were observed and the fracture healing of the four groups was compared. Results The osteotomy map of Micro-CT showed that bone mass of bone callus was higher in group Y, group P, and group L than that in group K at the same time after fracture. Quantitative analysis showed that the BV and BV/TV of group L was the highest at each time point. Histopathological observation showed that the growth of bone callus in the experimental group was significantly better than that in the group K. immunohistochemistry results showed that Col2a1 was moderate positive in the group L and P at 1 week after fracture, strong positive at 2 weeks and weak positive at 4 and 6 weeks after operation. Col2a1 in group Y was moderate positive at 1 and 2 weeks postoperatively and weak positive at 4 and 6 weeks postoperatively. Col2a1 in group K was moderate positive at 1 week postoperatively and weak positive at 2 and 4 weeks postoperatively, and negative at 6 weeks after surgery. Conclusion The treatment of osteoporotic fractures in group L is better than that in group P and Y in the treatment of osteoporotic fractures. It can significantly improve the quality of osteoporotic fracture healing in rats and significantly shorten the period of fracture healing. [Key words] Osteoporosis; Fracture healing; Youguiyin; Platelet-rich plasma
骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)是以低骨量和骨微细结构破坏为特征从而导致骨脆性和骨折风险增加的一种全身骨骼性疾病,骨微结构破坏是骨质疏松性骨折发生的直接原因[1]。富血小板血浆(platelet-rich plasma,PRP)可释放多种生长因子,在细胞增殖、细胞分化、趋化作用和血管形成方面发挥重要作用,可促进干细胞向成骨细胞诱导分化,加速骨折愈合,目前已广泛应用于骨缺损、骨折不愈合及软组织疾病的治疗和研究[2-6]。右归饮作为温补肾阳的代表方剂,有学者[7]研究认为可调整内环境,减少骨吸收,促进骨形成,促使成骨-破骨耦联向成骨方向转化,从而增加骨容积,治疗骨质疏松症临床效果已得到学者认可。本实验将富血小板血浆联合右归饮作用于骨质疏松模型大鼠,并观察二者在大鼠骨质疏松性骨折愈合过程中的协同治疗作用,为临床治疗提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 药物
右归饮按照《景岳全书》方药组成:熟地9 g、山药6 g、山茱萸3 g、枸杞6 g、制附子9 g、肉桂3 g、甘草3 g、杜仲6 g。用传统方法先煎附子20 min,后加入其余药。由浙江省中医院中药制剂室提供。
1.2 实验动物
1.3 富血小板血浆制备
PRP组和联合组大鼠于骨折造模术前眼眶采血3 mL,注入含有枸橼酸钠溶液的离心管中,采用Landsberg法[8]制备PRP。
1.4 分组与造模
1.4.1 分组 K组:空白模型组;Y组:右归饮组;P组:富血小板血浆(PRP)组;L组:右归饮联合PRP组。所有大鼠按照随机数字表法排序并平均分配于4个组内,每组37只,每个组分骨折术后2、4、6周3个时间点,每个时间点3只大鼠,剩余每组28只,每个组分4个时间点,分别是骨质疏松性骨折模型建立术后1、2、4、6周,每个时间点各7只。
1.4.2 去卵巢大鼠骨质疏松模型 腹腔注射氯胺酮(60 mg/kg)麻醉,经背侧正中切口,行双侧卵巢切除并结扎相应营养血管,逐层缝合,术后给予肌肉注射青霉素针10万U/只,每日2次,连续3 d。
1.4.3 胫骨开放性骨折模型[9] 去卵巢术后3个月再次腹腔注射氯胺酮麻醉,取大鼠双侧胫骨前方备皮,大鼠仰卧位,用10号圆刀片在双侧胫骨结节皮肤沿纵轴做一长约1.5 cm 皮肤切口,显露胫骨结节及其远端胫骨,距胫骨结节下方5 mm处,取1 mmφ克氏针交叉鉆孔,组织剪锐性离断,用1 mmφ克氏针在断端髓腔内逆行内固定,逐层缝合。手术均在严格无菌条件下进行,常规肌肉注射青霉素针10万U/只,每日2次,连续3 d。
1.4.4 标本采集 大鼠断颈处死后,沿原切口显露胫骨及骨折部位,延长切口上至膝关节,下至踝关节。在踝、膝关节间隙平面横行剪断,完整取出胫骨标本,轻柔拔除克氏针。标本放入10%中性福尔马林溶液中浸泡3 d固定。
1.5 给药方法
1.5.1 右归饮给药 Y组及L组大鼠骨折造模术后给予右归饮灌胃,灌胃剂量根据体表面积换算公式A=k·W2/3,以60 kg 成人用药量及体表面积为参考标准,计算出动物用药剂量作为给药剂量。
1.5.2 富血小板血浆干预 根据分组情况,在大鼠双侧胫骨近端骨折模型建立术中将预先制备好的PRP凝胶注入骨折端。
1.6 观察指标与方法
1.6.1 Micro-CT 扫描及三维重建分析[10] 将术后1、2、4周的胫骨骨折标本行骨痂局部micro-CT 扫描及骨折部位与周边骨三维重建分析。每组图片在同一条件下进行3-D重建,并用μCT系统的评估软件进行形态计量学分析,着重测量骨性骨痂体积(BV)和骨性骨痂体积百分比(BV/TV %)。
1.6.2组织形态学观察[11] ①苏木精-伊红染色(hematoxylin