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用溶液法合成2种新型结晶化的有机-无机杂化物La2K(PMo12O40)(EDTA)4(1)和Ni(PW12O40)(EDTA)2(2).利用红外光谱(IR)、差热-热重分析(TG-DTA)、循环伏安(CV)、固体荧光光谱(FL)、紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-Vis DRS)、能谱分析(EDS)、X-射线粉末衍射(XRD)对杂化物的组成、结构特征、光致变色性能进行系统研究.2种杂化物均表现出良好的光致变色性,紫外光照射下杂化物1由黄色变为墨绿色,杂化物2由蓝绿色变为灰黑色.暗处室温下保存,变色后的杂化物1稳定,光致变色不可逆,而杂化物2空气中避光4h能恢复到原来的颜色,温度升高该逆反应速度加快,无氧条件下该逆反应不发生,即杂化物2在有氧条件下,表现出良好的光致变色可逆性.2种混配物都对光响应速度快,是潜在的光学材料. Two novel organic-inorganic hybrid La2K (PMo12O40) (EDTA) 4 (1) and Ni (PW12O40) (EDTA) 2 (2) were synthesized by solution method. TG-DTA, CV, FL, UV-Vis DRS, EDS, XRD, The composition, structural characteristics and photochromic properties of the hybrids were studied systematically.The two kinds of hybrids showed good photochromism, the hybrid 1 changed from yellow to dark green when exposed to ultraviolet light, Green to gray-black dark place at room temperature, after the change of color hybrid 1 stable photochromic irreversible hybrid 2 dark air 4h can restore the original color, the temperature increases the reverse reaction speed, no The reverse reaction does not occur under the oxygen conditions, that is, hybrid 2 shows good photochromic reversibility under aerobic conditions, and both of the compounds have potential response to light and are potential optical materials.