Retroviral mediated human β-globin gene transfer and expression in vitro

来源 :实验血液学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:matrx1007999999
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Retroviral mediated gene transfer of humanglobin gene into hematopoietic stem cells is apromising approach for thalassemia gene therapy.Major problem of the transferred globin gene was lowlevel expression of the gene with its proximal cis-acting sequence. The locus control region (LCR) ofthe human β-globin gene cluster consists of four majorDNase I hypersensitive sites (HS). When linked to Retroviral mediated gene transfer of humanglobin gene into hematopoietic stem cells is apromising approach for thalassemia gene therapy. Major problem of the transmitted globin gene was lowlevel expression of the gene with its proximal cis-acting sequence. The locus control region (LCR) of the human β -globin gene cluster consists of four majorDNase I hypersensitive sites (HS). When linked to
自发性食管破裂1例周海龙患者,男,37岁。呕吐伴上腹剧痛30min,于1993年5月24日上午8时急诊入院。患者6h前饮酒约100ml,30min前呕吐3次,呕吐后即感上腹部烧灼样剧痛,呈持续性,无呕血黑便。查体:T:36.8℃,P:100次,R:2... One case of
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