丰田汽车公司耗资12亿美元买的IBM和Dassault处 理系统的软硬件,向你展示了这些汽车生产厂家将怎 样按照他们的愿望实现与零件供应厂的合作。 这种合作是企业界尽人皆知的产品生命周期管理 技术(PLM)的基本要求。据伯士顿AMR咨询公司的 专家测算,良好的主机厂与零部件供应厂的合作关系 可以为每辆生产汽车节约1600美元。在产品生命周 期管理过程中将充分利用计算机硬件、软件及产品设 计、工程技术和制造领域有关的服务系统,并在有效 时间内将它们有机地结合在一起。产品生命周期管理 工具的目标是缩短汽车开发时间和成本,改进汽车质
Toyota Motor Corp.’s $ 1.2 billion purchase of hardware and software from IBM and Dassault Processing Systems shows you how these car manufacturers will work with parts suppliers as they wish. This collaboration is a fundamental requirement of the well-known product lifecycle management technology (PLM) in the business community. According to experts at the AMR consulting firm in Boston, a good OEM-supplier relationship can save about $ 1,600 per car. In the product life cycle management process will take full advantage of the computer hardware, software and product design, engineering and manufacturing services related to the system, and in the effective time to combine them organically. The goal of a product lifecycle management tool is to shorten the time and cost of developing a car, improving the quality of the car