《电机冷却方式》标准是电机基础标准之一。我国过去没有独立的《电机冷却方式》标准。国标《电机基本技术要求》GB 755—65的附录内将冷却方式简单地分为空冷、液冷、闭路循环气体冷却以及表面和内部冷却等四种,对于冷却介质的循环方式,冷却介质循环系统的动力供给方式都未作描述,也缺少相应的符号标志。因此不能满足使用要求,也不利于日益扩大外贸交往。 IEC第二技术委员会第2H分会(TC_2/SC_2H)于1969年出版了《旋转电机冷却方法》标准,即IEC34-6出版物,该标准得到世界各国的广泛采用。西德AEG公司,瑞典ASEA公司,瑞士BBC公司和日本三菱公司等都在电机的技术资料及产品样本上直接引用IEC34-6。有的国家如日本还根据
“Motor cooling mode” standard is one of the basic motor standards. In the past, there was no independent “motor cooling method” standard in our country. The national standard “basic technical requirements of motor” GB 755-65 Appendix appendix will be simply divided into cooling air cooling, liquid cooling, closed-loop gas cooling and surface and internal cooling of four, for the cooling medium circulation, cooling medium circulation system The power supply are not described, but also the lack of corresponding signs. Therefore, it can not meet the requirements for use and is not conducive to increasing the number of foreign trade exchanges. The 2nd Session of IEC Technical Committee II (TC_2 / SC_2H) published in 1969 the “Rotary Motor Cooling Method” standard, ie IEC34-6 publication, which has been widely adopted by all countries in the world. West Germany AEG Corporation, Sweden ASEA Corporation, Switzerland BBC Corporation and Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation, etc. in the motor technical information and product samples directly reference IEC34-6. Some countries such as Japan are still based