蓉城一场冬雨之后,寒气袭人,逛街的人少了。东门外,牛王庙上街8号却是挤满了人,门前仍旧和往常一样,停满了自行车。这里就是成都市小有名气的“益友”个体旧书店。 9.5平方米的小店堂里,挤满了下班、放学回家或是专程远道而来的顾客。三面墙上的书架分门别类地陈列着理、工、文、史、哲数千册书籍。玻璃柜里陈放着明、清时期的线装书和一些珍贵手稿。桌上堆满了《大众医学》、《译林》、《人民文学》、《电子世
Chengdu after a winter rain, cold people, less shopping people. East Gate, Cow Wong Temple on the 8th is packed with people, in front of the door still as usual, parked a bike. Here is the little famous Chengdu “Friends of Friends” individual old bookstore. 9.5 square meters of small shop, packed with get off work, home from school or made a special trip from afar. Three bookshelves on the wall were categorized to display thousands of books of science, industry, literature, history and philosophy. The glass cabinet is decorated with the Ming and Qing Dynasties, wire-bound books and some precious manuscripts. The table was filled with “popular medicine”, “translated forest”, “people’s literature”, "electronic world