同屋有一兄弟,人高马大,身强体壮,两颊生须,喉结突暴,典型的山东大汉,却经常深情地对着电脑做恶狼吼:“整天嘻嘻哈哈遇到风儿就起浪,我就是那个姑娘”,极尽温柔婉转之能事,不禁让人叹服世界之大。对了,这个姑娘就是赵薇。问他为什么喜欢赵薇,他会像所有的fans那样,眨巴着眼睛,细腻地数落着赵薇的一点一滴,她的美,她的好,如数家珍! 在他眼里,赵薇是美的,她的美是如过年过节时贴在墙上的吉祥娃娃一样,大眼、大鼻、大嘴,傻乎乎又胖嘟嘟,可爱大方喜气洋洋,这在
The same house has a brother, a tall, strong, strong body, cheeks whiskers, Adam’s apple sudden violence, the typical Shandong Han, but often secretly against the computer to do evil wolf roar: “all day laughing and joking met the wind Waves, I am that girl ”, the most gentle and tactful, can not help but make people admire the world. Yes, this girl is Zhao Wei. Ask him why he likes Zhao Wei, he will be like all the fans, blinking eyes and delicate, with a few drops of Vicki Zhao, her beauty, her good, a good number! In his eyes, Zhao Wei is beautiful, her beauty is as good as the auspicious baby posted on the wall during the Chinese New Year holidays, big eyes, big nose, big mouth, silly and fat toot, cute generous,