患者女性,55岁。因淹溺后进行性呼吸困难2h急诊入院。既往身体健康,无慢性肺病及冠心病史。体检:T 36.7℃,R36次/min,P120次/min,BP13.5/8kPa,意识模糊,唇绀,双肺满布湿罗音及哮鸣音,心率120次/min,律齐,无杂音。X线胸片示双肺野满布散在斑片状渗出性病灶。化验:血WBC 5.5×10~9/L,N 0.37,L 0.63,PaO_27.35kPa,PaCO_25.13kPa。诊断为吸入性肺炎,成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。即给高频喷射通气(HFJV),驱动压1.5kg/cm~2,频率100次/min,吸:呼=1:2,严格控制补液入量,2000ml/d内,西
Patient female, 55 years old. Due to drowning after 2h emergency admission. Past physical health, no history of chronic lung disease and coronary heart disease. Physical examination: T 36.7 ℃, R36 times / min, P120 times / min, BP13.5 / 8kPa, confusion, cyanosis, lungs full of wet rales and wheezing, heart rate 120 beats / min, Noise. X-ray chest lungs were full of scattered patchy exudative lesions. Assay: blood WBC 5.5 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N 0.37, L 0.63, PaO_27.35kPa, PaCO_25.13kPa. Diagnosis of aspiration pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). That is to give high-frequency jet ventilation (HFJV), the driving pressure of 1.5kg / cm ~ 2, the frequency of 100 beats / min, suction: call = 1: 2, strictly controlled rehydration, 2000ml / d,