随着冷战时代的结束,世界格局发生了深刻的变化,政治冷战转变为经济热战。改革、调整,振兴经济成为各国内外政策的焦点。作为第一生产力的科学技术,日益成为国际经济竞争的核心,并由此而引发了全球范围内的新一轮的技术革命高潮。 “21世纪的竞争是科学技术的竞争”,前英国首相撒切尔夫人在80年代所作的这一预言,已经成为不争的历史潮流。这组专题,对冷战后世界科技格局的发展趋势作了一个总体勾勒,对一些科技发达国家“科技立国”的具体做法作了重点介绍,以期对我国实施“科教兴国”战略有所借鉴。
With the end of the Cold War era, profound changes have taken place in the world pattern and the political cold war has turned into a hot economic war. Reform, adjustment and rejuvenation of the economy have become the focus of domestic and foreign policies. Science and technology, as the primary productive forces, are increasingly becoming the core of international economic competition and have thus triggered the climax of a new round of technological revolutions worldwide. “Competition in the 21st century is a competition in science and technology.” This prophecy made by the Former British Prime Minister Thatcher in the 1980s has become an undisputed historical trend. This group of special topics made an overall outline of the development trend of the world science and technology pattern after the Cold War and gave some important introduction to the specific practices of “building a nation by science and technology” in some developed countries in the science and technology so as to draw lessons from our country's strategy of “rejuvenating our country with science and education.”