从六个方面论证《医院药剂管理办法》修改的必要性 :1《医院药剂管理办法》的名称须修改 ;2医院药学组织机构的改变 ;3制定并实施医院药学质量管理规范 ;4加强药学技术人员管理 ;5医院药品管理制度的改革 ;6有关业务管理的内容修改。
The necessity of revising the “Measures for the Management of Pharmacy in Hospitals” from six aspects: 1 The name of the “Measures for the Administration of Pharmacy in Hospitals” shall be amended; 2 Changes in the pharmacy organization of hospitals; 3 The formulation and implementation of the norms of pharmaceutical quality management in hospitals; 4 The strengthening of pharmacy technologies Personnel management; 5 hospital drug management system reform; 6 business management content changes.