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问题是思维的起点。爱因斯坦说:“提出问题比解决问题更重要。”课堂设问是教学的基本内容,是教师启发诱导和执教的手段。但现行教学研究表明,教师对学生的课堂设问只有10%能够激发学生积极思考。在平时的课堂教学中,经常发现这样的情况:教师在台上设问频频,学生在台下默默无闻,所提的问题激不起学生浓厚的兴趣、积极的思考和热烈的讨论,课堂上缺乏师生、生生间互动的热烈氛围。所以在课堂教学中如何精心设计问题,巧妙提出问题,激发学生学习的兴趣,直接关系到课堂教学的气氛和效果。根据本人的教学实践,结合平时听课的观察、思考和总结,现提出政治课课堂设问的五个“度”,供参考。 The problem is the starting point of thinking. Einstein said: “Proposing problems is more important than solving problems.” Classroom design is the basic content of teaching, and it is a tool for teacher inspiration and coaching. However, current teaching research shows that only 10% of teachers’ questioning of students’ classroom settings can stimulate students’ positive thinking. In the usual classroom teaching, it is often found that teachers are frequently asked questions on the stage, students are obscured in the audience, and the questions they pose do not stimulate students’ strong interests, positive thinking, and enthusiastic discussions. The atmosphere of interaction between teachers and students, students and students. Therefore, how to elaborately design problems in classroom teaching, artfully ask questions, and stimulate students’ interest in learning are directly related to the atmosphere and effect of classroom teaching. According to my teaching practice, combined with the observation, thinking and summarization of the usual lectures, we now propose five “degrees” of classroom teaching in political classes for reference.
<正> 1 引言 设Pn-1(x)是n-1阶 Legendre正交多项式,Pn-1(1)=1,多项式πn(x)=(1-x2)P’n-1(x)的n个零点是(简记xk=xk,n)