YKB型可编程序控制压滤机是在YSM型煤用室式自动压滤机的基础上,应用通用可编程序控制器研制开发的新产品,是一代新的固液分离设备。适用于处理原生煤泥、细颗粒高灰分的浮选尾煤、磁选机尾矿等,可用于大中型煤矿选煤厂的煤泥脱水和尾煤回收,也可用于其它工业部门的污水处理与固液分离作业。 该机按过滤总面积现有二种规格,即:YKB—340型和YKB—500型,由压滤机构、清洗装置、液压系统、可编程序控制系统和动力装置等五个部分组成,整机从压紧到滤布冲洗的全过程均为自动控制,自动化程度高。
YKB-type programmable filter press is a new generation of solid-liquid separation equipment based on the YSM coal-based chamber automatic filter press, a new product developed by a universal programmable logic controller. Applicable to the treatment of primary slime, flotation tailings of fine particles of high ash, magnetic separator tailings, etc., can be used for coal slime dehydration and tailings coal recovery at large and medium coal preparation plant can also be used for sewage treatment in other industrial sectors And solid-liquid separation operation. The machine according to the total area of the filter two kinds of existing specifications, namely: YKB-340 and YKB-500 type, by the filter press, cleaning equipment, hydraulic system, programmable control system and power plant five parts, Machine from the press to the entire process of cloth washing are automatic control, high degree of automation.