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细节,本是细小环节,教师的一举一动、一言一行,看似无关紧要,却能以小见大。注重细节描写就是将身边不起眼的人、事、景写活,让读者感到平淡的生活是那样的富有情趣,也让学生找到打开话匣的钥匙。成功的细节描写往往是文章的点睛之笔,对刻画人物形象、表达思想感情、推动情节发展至关重要。抓住细节,精雕细刻,能使你的文章增色生辉。 Details, this is a small part, the teacher’s every move, words and deeds, seemingly irrelevant, but can see the big big. Pay attention to the details of the description is to humble people, things, scenes write live, let the reader feel so dull life is so full of fun, but also allow students to find the key to open the disc. The details of success are often the crowning touch of the essay, which is crucial to depict the characters, express their thoughts and feelings, and promote the development of the plot. Seize the details, carved, make your article glorious.