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使用排风扇进行排风换气早已广泛应用在工厂、企业各生产环节(厂房、车间、实验室等)和其它各部分中,以满足室内人员、某空间和生产过程的需要。目前,各地粮食仓库中的仓房、车间、化验室也已广泛使用,并开始用于储粮通风,以达降温、降水安全保粮之目的。使用排风扇排风换气通常将排风扇安装在墙壁上预定的排风洞里面,排风方向垂直墙壁向外。常因正遇或偏遇自然风而不同程度的降低排风效果,事倍功半。在化验室,单位排风量不能保证就会使化验人员不同程度中毒,影响身体健康;在储粮通风过程中,会明显降低降温降水效果,增加电耗和通风费用,甚至误失良机,影响储粮安全。因此,正确择定排风方向,使排风效果得以保证,对于创造良好的工作条件,提高工效,加速各业生产,确保有关人员的身体健康有着十分重要的意义。 Exhaust ventilation using the exhaust fan has long been widely used in factories, enterprises in all production processes (factories, workshops, laboratories, etc.) and other parts to meet the needs of interior personnel, a space and the production process. At present, warehouses, workshops and laboratories in food warehouses around the country have also been widely used and have begun to be used for grain storage ventilation in order to achieve the purpose of cooling and precipitation and ensuring food security. Exhaust Ventilation The exhaust fan is usually installed in a predetermined exhaust hole on the wall. The exhaust direction is perpendicular to the wall. Often due to positive or partial natural wind and reduce the degree of exhaust effect, less effective. In the laboratory, the unit exhaust volume can not be guaranteed to make laboratory personnel poisoned to varying degrees, affecting their health; during grain storage ventilation, will significantly reduce the cooling effect of precipitation, increasing power consumption and ventilation costs, and even missed the opportunity to influence Food security. Therefore, the correct selection of the exhaust direction, to ensure that the exhaust effect, for creating good working conditions, improve work efficiency, speed up the production of various industries, to ensure that the health of the relevant personnel is of great significance.
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Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is most commonly caused by vascular compression of the trigeminal nerve root entry zone. Secondary trigeminal neuralgia due to ischemi