In order to properly handle the problems of colleges and universities in accelerating student withdrawals for students who have worked as school workers, we hereby make special notifications as follows: 1. Colleges and universities tune up students and student-peasant accelerated school students because of long-term illness (more than one year) requiring treatment, convalescence, and recuperation. , Or because the level of education is too low, it is indeed difficult to continue learning, or because family life is particularly difficult, I would like to withdraw from school, etc., can be dropped out. Students in institutions of higher learning who want to drop out of school because of the above-mentioned circumstances are to be determined by the school themselves and reported to the Ministry of Higher Education or the Ministry of Education for record. Students at Gongcheng Chongcheng Middle School need to be quitted and dealt with by the school and reported to the Department of Education of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government. (Bureau) Approved. 2. After the students of institutions of higher learning have switched their students and the students of high school students and secondary schools have been approved to withdraw from school, the personnel, labor, health, education, and civil affairs departments of the province, autonomous region, or municipality where the school is located shall respectively handle the following: