7月1日,中国一匠心之轮第六感网球学院招收的第一批全训生们正式开学了。今年年初,匠心之轮联手比利时海宁第六感网球学院打造出全新的、顶级的青少年职业、准职业网球培训机构“中国一匠心之轮第六感网球学院”。在这里,孩子们将接受来自比利时的职业教练团队的打造,从此走上真正职业化的培训路线。作为中国一匠心之轮第六感网球学院的职业部总监,Andrès Bruno对中国的青少年选手们有着赞赏、有着期许。
On July 1, the first batch of full-time students enrolled in the Sixth Fellowship Tennis Academy of China, a row of ingenuity, officially started. Earlier this year, the Wheel of Art together with the sixth Haining Tennis Academy of Haining, Belgium to create a new, top-level youth career, quasi-professional tennis training institutions “China a Jiangqiao sixth sixth tennis college.” Here, children will receive a career coaching team from Belgium to create, and from there on a truly professional training course. Andrès Bruno, a career director at the Sixth Tennis Institute of China, an ingenious wheel of China, appreciates and gives promises to young players in China.