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班主任工作的一项重要内容就是转化后进生。后进生,换句话说就是问题学生。他们或学习不努力,成绩差;或行为习惯不良,比如,上课爱睡觉,爱说话,爱迟到、早退,说话不文明,甚至爱打架。这样的学生,家长无奈,老师头疼,但是作为一名教育工作者特别是班主任,我们绝不能放弃他们,而是要想办法积极转化,使其逐渐回到正常的轨道,健康快乐地成长。多年的班主任工作,使我在转化后进生方面有了一些经验与体会,现总结为以下几点: An important part of the class teacher’s job is to transform students. After graduation, in other words is the problem students. They do not work hard or have poor grades; or they have poor habits, such as class love to sleep, love to talk, love to be late, leave early, speak illiterate, or even love to fight. However, as an educator, especially a teacher in charge, we must not give up on them. Instead, we must find ways to actively transform them so that they gradually return to the normal track and grow up healthily and happily. Years of class teacher work, so that I have some experience in transforming the post-graduation experience, are summarized as follows:
The late Permian (Lopingian) was a crucial climate transition period from the late Paleozoic Ice Age to the early Triassic of exceptionally high temperatures. H