电视节目主持人是个专门学问,我没研究过。所以没有发言权。但是我愿意从文化传播的角度谈谈我对主持人在电视中的地位和作用的看法。 电视是一种能量巨大的传播媒介,这一点早在三十年代世界上第一座电视台问世之初就已经有人预言过了。美国散文作家怀特(E·B·White)1988年秋在《哈泼》杂志上发表的文章中
TV presenter is a specialized knowledge, I have not studied. So I have no say. But I am willing to talk about my view on the status and role of presenters on television from a cultural perspective. Television was a huge energy source, as predicted by the very beginning of the world’s first television station in the 1930s. American essay writer E. White wrote in Harper in the autumn of 1988