《语文新课标》指出作文教学是使学生“能具体明确、文从字顺地表达自己的意思”。同时新课标规定初中学生应该“养成修改自己作文的习惯 ,修改时能借助语感和语法修辞常识 ,做到文从笔顺。能与他人交流写作心得 ,互相评议 ,以分享感受 ,沟通见解。”在学习新课标的基础上 ,我?
The “New Chinese Language Curriculum Standard” points out that composition teaching is to enable students to “explicitly express and express their meanings in a concise manner.” At the same time, the new curriculum stipulates that junior high school students should “develop the habit of modifying their own composition. When they make changes, they can use the language sense and grammar rhetoric and common sense, so that the text is smooth. You can communicate with others about your writing experience and discuss each other to share feelings and communicate ideas. "On the basis of learning new curriculum standards, I?