例1 患女,7岁,因全身出现皮疹3h,呼吸困难2h入院。患儿当天上午9时在学校集体注射乙脑疫苗,6h后,出现全身大片荨麻疹样皮疹,热、痒、憋气、呼吸困难、失声,急诊转入院。从发病至人院前无尿。既往无过敏史。去年曾接种乙脑疫苗,无不良反应。查体:T36.7℃,P100次/min,R50次/min.BP12/8kPa,颜面、颈、胸、腹、臀、四肢皮肤均可见片状融合荨麻疹样皮疹,皮肤潮红,以双下肢最为显著,皮疹以四肢最为密集。双耳廓高度肿胀,口周苍白,口唇红肿,颈软。心、肺无异常,腹软,肝、脾助下未及,双下肢无水肿。入院急查尿常规:蛋白(+),RBC3~4
Example 1 suffering from women, 7 years old, systemic rash 3h, difficulty breathing 2h admission. Children at 9 am the same day in the school collective injection of JE vaccine, 6h, the body appeared large urticaria-like rash, heat, itching, suffocation, dyspnea, speechless, emergency admission to hospital. From the onset to the hospital before anuria. No history of allergies. Last year vaccinated JE vaccine, no adverse reactions. Examination: T36.7 ℃, P100 times / min, R50 times / min.BP12 / 8kPa, face, neck, chest, abdomen, buttocks, limbs and skin are visible fusion sheet urticaria-like rash, skin flushing to both lower extremities The most significant, the rash to limbs most intensive. Heavily swollen ears, pale mouth, red and swollen lips, neck soft. Heart, lung no abnormalities, abdomen soft, liver, spleen and help the next, both lower extremity no edema. Urgent admission urine examination: protein (+), RBC3 ~ 4