肩负历史重任 开创档案事业发展的新纪元

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九月的北京,秋风送爽,迎来了第十三届国际档案大会的胜利召开。来自130个国家和地区的2600多名代表欢聚一堂,不同的肤色、不同的语言,为了一个共同的心愿——保护历史文化遗产,发展世界档案事业。本届档案盛会,不仅是前12届国际档案大会的具有内在联系的合乎逻辑的延伸和继续,而且是在世纪交替时期召开的本世纪最后一次国际档案大会,肩负着总结二十世纪档案事业成就,展望二十一世纪档案事业发展的宏伟任务,具有承前启后、继往开来的重大现实意义和深远的历史意义。我们作为黑龙江垦区的代表参加这次盛会,十分珍惜这次与国内外同行学习与交流的机会,通过参加大会组织的各项活动,拓宽了视野,进一步增强了做好档案工作的光荣感、责任感和使命感.首先,我们进一步认识到档案是人类文化遗产的重要组成部分,是世界记忆工程的重要组成部分,是社会文明进步的阶梯,档案事业是世界各国的共同事业,它既来自于人类创造文明 In Beijing in September, the autumn wind gave us a warm welcome and ushered in the victory of the 13th International Archives Conference. Over 2,600 delegates from 130 countries and regions gathered in different colors and different languages ​​for the common aspiration of protecting the historical and cultural heritage and developing the world archives. This archives event is not only a logical extension and continuation of the intrinsic linkages of the previous 12 International Archives but also the last international archives conference of this century to be held during the turn of the century. It shoulders the task of summing up the achievements of archives in the 20th century It is of great realistic significance and far-reaching historical significance to look forward to the development of the archival work in the 21st century with the preconditions of past and future as well as the past and future. As a representative of Heilongjiang Reclamation District, we cherish this opportunity to learn and exchange with our counterparts both at home and abroad. By participating in various activities organized by the General Assembly, we broadened our horizons and further enhanced our glorious sense of responsibility and good sense of responsibility First of all, we further recognize that archives are an important part of human cultural heritage, an important component of the memory project in the world, a step of social civilization and a common cause of all countries in the world. Archival work comes from both mankind Create civilization
在宿州,第三批选派干部以互联网和“电视上网”工程为平台,探索运用网络信息技术提高党建工作水平,加强信息交流、提高远程教育培训质量,推动了当地经济社会的发展。 In Suz
甘肃省档案馆藏部分抗战资料目录 Gansu Province archives part of the list of anti-Japanese war information
◇2009年12月23日,北京市总工会女职工委员会五届二次(扩大)会议召开。北京市总工会党组书记、副主席韩子荣出席会议并讲话。北京市总工会副主席王玉英主持会议。 ◇ Decemb