GEM high-tech companies, high growth and other characteristics of the Commission on its disclosure of risk information has a special provision. For venture capital information disclosure of GEM, its listing prospectus and the annual report disclosed after the listing provide explicit risk content. This article analyzes the risk information disclosed in it based on the content analysis method. First of all, it analyzes the normativeness of the risk information part of the prospectus and annual report of listed companies, and analyzes whether the disclosed form and contents conform to the disclosure standards prescribed by the CSRC. Secondly, examine the disclosure of risk information, namely prospectus and annual report, The guiding role to see whether the disclosure of risk information to investors to make investment decisions. The study found that the information disclosure of prospectuses and annual reports of listed companies in GEM are becoming more and more perfect in form and content, but there are still some problems to be solved; while in the quality of disclosure, the risk information does not have an important impact on the investors’ decision-making Impact, quality is not high.