这一课,集中讲一讲我国民兵的地位、性质和任务。 一 中国民兵是一支伟大的战略力量 (一)战略地位 人民战争思想,是毛泽东军事思想的核心内容。坚持人民战争思想不动摇,决定了民兵的战略地位。1978年7月11日,邓小平同志在听取全国民兵工作会议筹备工作情况汇报时指出:“我们是三结合的武装力量体制,野战军、地方军和民兵相结合,就是人民战争。民兵就是要提到战略地位。”同年7月17日,邓小平同志在会见英国詹金森爵士时指出:“我们的
This lesson focuses on the status, nature and tasks of our militia. A Chinese militia is a great strategic force (1) The strategic thinking of the people's war is the core content of Mao Zedong's military thinking. Upholding the people's war ideology has not waver and has decided the militia's strategic position. On July 11, 1978, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, in his report on preparations for the national militia working conference, pointed out: “We are the three-armed system. The combination of the field army, the local army and the militia is the people's war. The militia is going to mention Strategic position. ”In the same year, on July 17, Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out when meeting with Sir Jenkinson in Britain:" Our