好书千百卷,长留天地间。新世纪之初,迎来了湖南人民出版社的五十华诞,回顾过去,感慨万千。50年来,湖南人民出版社开拓进取,创新务实,出版了一大批优秀图书,谱写了一曲曲新时代出版人的奉献之歌! 创业者的劳绩永远镌刻在历史上。1950年全国出版工作会议后,出席会议的湖南代表便回到长沙,开始酝酿成立一个通俗读物的出版机构。当年11月,在湖南省委宣传部出版处的指导下,由朱九思(当时任省委宣传部出版处处长、后任华中工学院院长、博士生导师)着手筹建。1951年1月10日,湖南通俗读物出版社正式成立,这是湖南的第一家出版社。建社伊始,编辑人员仅有7人,初为公私合营,一年后改为国家主办。这个时期湖南通俗读物出版社面向大众,以出版通俗读物为主,出版了不少好书,为共和国的政治建设、经济建设作出了突出的贡献。正是他们筚路蓝缕,含辛茹苦地创业,为湖南出版事业的发展奠定了坚实的基础。1954年6月,改称湖南人民出版社,根据当时经济、文化条件,继续做思想文化领域的普及工作,
A good book thousands of volumes, long stay between heaven and earth. The beginning of the new century, ushered in the 50th birthday of Hunan People’s Publishing House, reviewing the past, filled with emotion. Over the past 50 years, Hunan People’s Publishing House has been pioneering, innovative and pragmatic, has published a large number of outstanding books, and has written a dedication song for the publishers of a new era. The entrepreneur’s achievements are always engraved in history. After the 1950 national press conference, Hunan representatives attending the conference returned to Changsha and started to set up a publication agency for popular books. In November of that year, under the guidance of the Publishing Office of the Propaganda Department of Hunan Provincial Committee, Zhu Jiusi (then Director of Publications Department of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee and later Dean of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and a PhD supervisor) set about preparing. January 10, 1951, Hunan Popular Publishing House was formally established, which is the first publishing house in Hunan. At the beginning of the establishment of the society, there were only seven editors, initially as a public-private partnership and one year later as a state sponsor. During this period, Hunan Popular Publishing House was open to the general public. It mainly published popular books and published many good books. It made outstanding contributions to the political construction and economic construction of the Republic. It is their clumsal, pioneering undertakings, for the development of publishing business in Hunan has laid a solid foundation. In 1954 June, renamed Hunan people’s Publishing House, according to the economic and cultural conditions at that time, continue to do ideological and cultural popularization work,