一、歷史科學的對象與任務 斯大林同志在‘無政府主義還是社會主義?’一書中指示我們說:‘歷史表明着:如果在各個不同的時期人們滲透了各個不同的思想與願望,那末這點底原因是在於:在各個不同的時期人們以各種不同的方法與自然作鬥爭來滿足自己底需要,並且與此相適應,他們底經濟關係以各種不同的方法形成起來。曾經有過這樣的時期,人們共同地在原始共產主義基礎上與自然作鬥爭,他們底財產是共產主義的,因而他們幾乎不分‘我底’與‘你底’,
I. Objects and Tasks of Historical Science Comrade Stalin instructed us in ’Anarchism or Socialism’: ’History shows that if people at different times have infiltrated different thoughts and aspirations, then this point The reason for this lies in the fact that people struggle with nature in various ways to meet their own needs and adapt to them. At the very bottom of their economic relations are formed in various ways. There have been periods in which people collectively fought against nature on the basis of primordial communism, whose assets they owned were communist, so that they were almost independent of me and you,