七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata在河北省邯郸地区麦田每年共发生两代。第一代于3月中旬开始见卵,3月底至4月上中旬为卵发生盛期,4月上旬至5月上旬为幼虫和成虫的发生盛期。第二代于4月下旬开始见卵,5月上中旬为卵发生盛期,5月中旬至6月上旬为幼虫和成虫的发生盛期。 据在麦田采集的千余块卵统计,第一代每块平均24.7粒;第二代每块平均25.7粒。单块卵最少的只有1粒,多的82粒,一般在20—40粒之间。
Coccinella septempunctata Coccinella septempunctata Occurred in Handan, Hebei Province, a total of two generations of wheat fields each year. The first generation began to see the eggs in mid-March, the mid-March to mid-April for the peak of the eggs, and early April to early May for the larvae and adults peaked. The second generation started to see the eggs in late April, the mid-May was the peak of the eggs, and the mid-May to early June was the peak of the larvae and adults. According to more than a thousand eggs collected in the wheat field, the first generation averaged 24.7 grains each; the second generation averaged 25.7 grains each. A single egg at least only one, more than 82, usually between 20-40.