中国是一个渔业生产大国,产量位居世界第一。但由于中国人口众多,水产品人均占有量仍然较少,仅接近世界平均水平,加之水产品出口贸易、工业原料和直接作为鲜饲料的用量较大,水产品人均实际消费量更低。 一、水产品消费现状及构成形式 目前,中国水产品消费主要由以下几个方面构成。一是城乡居民家庭消费。城乡居民家庭消费是中国水产品消费的主要构成部分,1994年全国城乡居民家庭消费水产品547万吨,折合原料水产品为685万吨,人均5.7公斤。二是出口贸易。据海关统计,1994年全国出口水产品为63万吨,加上部分海上贸易及边境口岸易物交易等,约100万吨,折合原料水产品约170万吨。三是
China is a big fishery producer with the largest output in the world. However, due to the large population in China, the per capita share of aquatic products is still relatively small, only approaching the world average level, and aquatic products export trade, industrial raw materials and direct consumption as fresh feed are larger, and the actual per capita consumption of aquatic products is even lower. First, the current status and composition of aquatic products consumption At present, China’s consumption of aquatic products mainly by the following aspects. First, urban and rural household consumption. Household consumption of urban and rural residents is a major component of China’s consumption of aquatic products. In 1994, domestic and rural households consumed 5.47 million tons of aquatic products, equivalent to 6.85 million tons of raw and aquatic products, with a per capita population of 5.7 kg. Second, export trade. According to the statistics of the Customs, in 1994, the country exported 630,000 tons of aquatic products, plus some 1,500,000 tons of raw and processed aquatic products, plus some of the maritime and border trade barter transactions. Three is