
来源 :中国文学批评 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freshgrandpa
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文学理论是构入实践的应用性理论,它以文学实践为研究对象,并在对文学实践的构入中研究文学实践。一般所说文学实践的四个方面文学创作、文学接受、文学传播与文学批评,其实都是建立在文学实践与社会实践的相互关联的基础上,并由这一基础所贯通。从问题发现的角度说,这五个方面都以文学实践展开过程中不断出现的差异性变化而引起人们对文学理论研究的关注,并得以按问题的方式展开。对文学实践展开的差异性进行研究是文学理论的要点所在,而被研究的文学理论构入其中的实践性问题,则规定着文学理论构入实践的问题属性。文学实践以其展开的差异性向文学理论照面,而文学理论在差异性关注中将这一照面提炼为语言表述的问题,并对之进行语境性研究。 Literary theory is an applied theory of practice. It takes literary practice as its research object and studies literary practice in its construction of literary practice. Generally speaking, the literary creation, literary acceptance, literary communication and literary criticism of the four aspects of literary practice are actually based on the interrelatedness of literary practice and social practice and are based on this foundation. From the point of view of the problem discovery, all these five aspects arouse people’s attention to the literary theory research by means of the constantly changing differences in the process of the literary practice. The study of the differences in the practice of literature is the key point of literary theory. The literary theory to be studied constructs the practical problems in it, and stipulates the problem attributes of literary theory into practice. Literary practice takes its differences into consideration in literary theory, while literary theory distills this aspect into the expression of language in the differential concern and makes a contextual study on it.