
来源 :建筑学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xsybt007
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一、概要地方建筑受到国际建筑思潮的影响会产生出独特的适宜性建筑,这就是我报告的主题。适宜性建筑这个概念特别强调某些因素:自然环境、建成环境、地方材料、文化特征、情绪和奇妙的感觉、太阳的光亮和透明度、色泽耀眼的透明天空、暴风雨前素淡阴沉而又不失生动的光线, I. Summary The influence of the international architectural trend on local architecture will produce a unique and suitable architecture. This is the theme of my report. The concept of suitable architecture emphasizes certain factors: the natural environment, built environment, local materials, cultural characteristics, emotions and wonderful feelings, the light and transparency of the sun, the transparent sky with dazzling colors, and the gloomy and vivid atmosphere before the storm. Rays of light,