琴秋、庆树同志: 当我听到你们是那么诚恳地愿认识我,那么热忱地关心着这儿——晋绥边区的妇女同胞时,我是深深地激动了,一种喜欢和兴奋的情绪真是形容不出来,而只感到你们这种行为所给予我们的安慰与鼓励真是太大、太难得,而且太宝贵了。这种真挚的友爱,真的,是世界上任何东西也换不来的啊!我没有别的,我代表着边区所有的妇女同胞向你们致以慰问并致热烈的民族革命敬礼!
Qin Qiu and Qing Shu: When I heard you were so sincerely willing to know me and were so enthusiastic about the compatriots here in the Jin-Sui border area, I was deeply moved by a kind of love and excitement Emotions can not really be expressed, but only feel that the comfort and encouragement you have given us are too great, too rare, and too precious. This true friendship, really, can not be exchanged for anything else in the world! I have nothing else to do. I represent all the fellow women and women in the border area to extend my condolences to all of you and to the warm national revolution salute!