FOx(二十世纪福克斯电影公司)与 FOCUS(福特汽车旗下小型车当家车型),两个原本毫不相干的英文称谓,却因被翻译成相同的中国名字,让汽车和电影邂逅出一个美丽的不解之缘。恰逢中国电影的百年华诞和新车型福克斯上市,长安福特邀请8位中国新锐导演,每人拍一部3分钟的短片,演绎都市动感生活,也成就了此次的福克斯中国新锐导演电影秀。爱电影、爱汽车、更爱生活,下面就让我们与刘浩和孙小茹两位导演共同走进福克斯为我们带来的光影故事。
FOX (Twentieth Century Fox Film Company) and FOCUS (Ford Motor Company's small car headed model), two originally irrelevant title in English, but was translated into the same Chinese name, so that cars and movies encounter a beautiful Indissoluble bond. Coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Chinese movie and the launch of a new model Fox, Changan Ford invited eight cutting-edge directors in China, each taking a 3-minute video, interpretation of urban dynamic life, but also the achievements of the Fox China cutting-edge director of the film show. Love movies, love cars, love life, let us together with the two directors Liu Hao and Sun Xiaoru Fox into the light and shadow brought us stories.