An Acrylic Lock Created to Stop Children Stealing Nutella

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There’s nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast—only to find that someone has cleaned out the jar.But German inventor Daniel Schobloch has come up with a brilliantly simple solution to the pilfering problem—by designing an acrylic(丙烯酸的)lock to keep jars of the There’s nothing worse than looking forward to a serving of Nutella on warm toast for breakfast-only to find that someone had cleaned out the jar.But German inventor Daniel Schobloch has come up with a brilliantly simple solution to the pilfering problem-by designing an acrylic (Acrylic) lock to keep jars of the
目的 从病人血清分离汉坦病毒Ⅰ型毒株 ,为双价疫苗的配伍提供更好的候选株。方法 从陕西HFRS患者血清 ,按常规法分离汉坦病毒。用系列单克隆抗体、空斑减少中和试验、RT P
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目的 研究老年大鼠下丘脑薄片视交叉上核神经元自发放电的节律性。方法 采用大鼠离体下丘脑薄片记录视交叉上核 (SCN)神经元自发放电的方法 ,观察衰老对SCN神经元自发放电
比较了冰片在 5 0 %丙二醇 ,5 %亚油酸和 5 %氮酮的单相及多相溶剂载体中 2 4h透过离体鼠皮的动力学特性。结果不同促渗剂的加入对冰片的透皮速率 ,比较 2 0 %乙醇载体分别提
1 实验材料与方法1.1 材料冬虫夏草制作成片剂由某集团股份有限公司提供 ,碾细用蒸馏水配制成一定浓度的混悬液 ,每天灌胃给予动物 ,连续 2 1天。1.2 实验动物昆明种雄性
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.