维苏威公司 ,即CooksonGroupPLC工业材料集团的耐火材料分支机构 ,正着手关闭其苏格兰基地的Manuel耐火砖厂和不定形耐火材料厂。其中不定形耐火材料生产将于 2 0 0 1年中期结束 ,大量的耐火砖生产也将于 2 0 0 1年底停止。不定形耐火材料生产将被转移到?
Vesuvius, the refractories division of Cookson Group PLC Industrial Materials Group, is in the process of closing its Manuel refractory brick plant and monolithic refractories plant in Scotland. The production of monolithic refractories will end in mid-2001, and a large number of refractory bricks production will also cease at the end of 2001. Unshaped refractories production will be transferred to?