通过对全省主要农业耕作土壤采土分析钾素状况 ,明确了全省主要农业耕作土壤速效钾、缓效钾、全钾的含量、分布及各等级面积 ;对两次土壤速效钾调查结果进行比较分析 ,摸清了动态变化规律 ;对速效钾与缓效钾含量关系进行了数理统计 ,明确了相关性。研究结果为今后农业生产中土壤补钾及钾肥施用提供了理论依据
Based on the analysis of the status of potassium in the main agricultural tillage soils in the province, the content, distribution and area of available potassium, slow potassium and total potassium in main agricultural tillage in the province were clarified. The results of two surveys of soil available potassium Comparative analysis, find out the law of dynamic changes; the relationship between the available potassium and slow-acting potassium content of the mathematical statistics, a clear correlation. The results provide a theoretical basis for soil potassium and potassium application in agricultural production in the future