时下,一些单位在表彰先进时,为每位先进代订一份报刊,以资奖励。有时还根据其工作岗位的不同,订阅不同的报刊,帮助他们提高业务水平。 此事看似小事,但意义却不小,实乃这些单位领导富有远见的明智之举。发前,对先进的奖励可谓五花八门,形形色色,有授予荣誉证书的,有发送资金的,在奖励彩电、住房、轿车等实物的等等,不一而足。形式虽然众多,但大体可归纳为名、钱、物三类。而把“代订报刊”作为奖励先进
Nowadays, some units, when honoring advanced ones, set a newspaper for each advanced one to reward them. Sometimes according to their different jobs, subscribe to different newspapers, to help them improve their business. This incident may seem trivial, but its significance is not small. It is indeed a wise move of these units to lead the visionaries. Before the hair, the advanced awards can be described as varied, all kinds of honorary certificates, there are sending funds, reward color TV, housing, cars and other physical, and so forth. Although many forms, but generally can be summarized as name, money, material three categories. The “generation of newspapers” as a reward advanced