The California State of California Water Transfer Project (SWP) relocates the abundant water resources in Northern California to the dry and densely populated southern region. The project started construction in 1957, the main project was completed in 1973. In 1990, it reached the design capacity of water supply, with a total investment of 5 billion U.S. dollars. The total length of SWP water supply is 1318km (excluding the self-built water conveyance works), in which the total length of artificial channels, tunnels and pipelines is 1040km; the average annual water supply is 35.8-45.6 billion m3; the average annual water supply is 3-40 billion m3; 19 reservoirs have been built with a total storage capacity of 8.333 billion m3; 20 pumping stations have been built with a total installed capacity of nearly 2900MW and an average annual power consumption of about 10 billion kW · h; and 8 hydropower stations have been built with a total installed capacity of 1190MW.