目的探讨糖尿病性骨病X射线诊断及其与临床表现的关系。方法收集我院住院治疗的病人20例,分别拍膝关节和踝关节正侧位X光片,足趾正斜位片,结合临床病史,分析X光片表现。结果 20例病例中有8例骨质明显疏松、吸收、萎缩,部分骨质缺如,软组织肿胀,3例有深度溃疡,都以踝关节以下骨质改变明显,2例膝关节后方动脉血管明显硬化。且病史较长、10年以上,年龄偏大,在50岁~80岁之间。结论糖尿病性骨病与病程长短及糖尿病轻重有密切关系,病程长、病情严重者骨改变明显,病程短且病情较轻者骨质基本无改变。X射线表现有一定特征性,由于糖尿病人的逐年增多,应引起我们的高度重视。
Objective To investigate the relationship between X-ray diagnosis of diabetic bone disease and its clinical manifestations. Methods Twenty patients hospitalized in our hospital were collected. X - ray and anteroposterior orthodontic radiographs of the knee joint and ankle joint were taken respectively. Combined with clinical history, X - ray findings were analyzed. Results In 20 cases, there were 8 cases with obvious osteoporosis, absorption, atrophy, partial absence of bone, swelling of soft tissue and deep ulceration in 3 cases. All of the 20 cases showed significant changes in the bone below the ankle and 2 cases of posterior arteries in the knee hardening. And a longer history, more than 10 years, older, between 50 years old to 80 years old. Conclusion Diabetic bone disease is closely related to the duration of disease and the severity of diabetes mellitus. The duration of the disease is long, and the patients with severe disease have significant changes in the bone. The duration of the disease is short and the patients with mild disease have no change in the bone mass. X-ray performance has a certain characteristic, due to the increasing number of diabetic patients, should arouse our attention.