The analysis of audit information and performance audit management in colleges and universities shows that in the field of audit information disclosure, there is a common situation in colleges and universities that there is no conservative standard of function and no fixed standard, the confidentiality requirements of audit results and the insufficient attention of the school’s management. Proposed improvement programs: colleges and universities should disclose non-confidential audit information; education departments should develop an open approach to audit information in colleges and universities; colleges and universities should take the initiative to promote the disclosure of audit information. In the performance audit management, there are the following situations: (1) college performance audit is in its infancy; (2) the performance audit indicators are complex; (3) the professional quality of the auditors is not enough; (4) the management department does not pay enough attention to it. Therefore, the following perfecting plan is put forward: to improve the cognition of managers and auditors on performance auditing; to establish a sound and effective internal auditing system; to explore a suitable performance auditing method for universities; to expand the scope of performance auditing and to promote the performance auditing; The establishment of a stratified performance audit system; enhance the professional quality of auditors to ensure the independence of audit work.