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  葡萄酒大师( Master of Wine):葡萄酒信息搜索网站Wine-Searcher(葡萄酒搜索引擎)的葡萄酒总监。从业近30年,具有丰富的葡萄酒销售、推广、培训、品鉴等方面的知识。
  常说喝酒是需要合适的场合的,但碰上合适的地方,在合适的时候,有合适的食物,喝啥酒反而好像没那么重要了。这期,David Allen MW跟我们分享了一个小故事,看一瓶便宜且普通的葡萄酒是如何让这位葡萄酒大师回味30年吧。
  It needs a specific occasion to taste aspecial wine, but when we encounter a fineplace,a fine timing and fine food, to tastewhich wine seems not that important. In thisissue, David Allen MW share with us a story,which remain in his memory for 30 years.
  那时的我是一名年轻的,有闯劲的葡萄酒商,在读了一本介绍意大利葡萄酒的手册后,了解到Rocca di Papa的葡萄酒值得一试。这个小镇是阿尔本山脉的几个小镇之一,地处罗马之上,那里富有的居民在更凉快、更高的地方置有避暑别墅以躲避城里的热浪。例如,教皇的夏宫就占据了Castel gandolfo的阿尔巴诺湖。
  There is a belief that some wines“donot travel" and clearly wine can sufferfrom rough handling during shipmentMost wines acquire some bottle-shockas vibration and temperature variationduring transport can cause sort-termissues for newly shipped wines that arenot allowed time to recover befo re sale
  Another aspect of wines “not travelling”is that often they show at their best in theregion of production, consumed in theatmosphere where they were crafted, witha local cuisine which developed alongsidethe wines l first saw this 30-years ago, inltaly, when visiting the town of Rocco diPapa with friends
  As a young, eager wine-merchant l wasreading a guide to ltalian wines whichsuggested Rocca di Papa' S wines wereworth trying The small town is one ofseveral in the Alban HillS above Rome- where the city'S wealthy residentshave summer residences allowing themto exchange the city'S heat for cooler,higher-altitude locations The Pope'Ssummer residen ce, for instance, is across   Lake Albano in Castel gandolfoLazio' s Colli Albani is not a famous wineregion - nearby Frascati, making similarfresh, dry white wines from Trebbiano andMalvasia, is better known For red wineswe found pleasant drin king from a localva riety, Cesenase, at the co-operative inOleva no, 20 kilometers to the northwestOne of my companions who knew thetown, on hea ring I wa nted to try the wine,set out to organize lunch for us First,he found a cafe making the local “pigsandwiches” . This was not fine-dining,comprising hunks of piping-hot, roasted-pork between thick slices of freshly-baked rustic bread
  Next, we visited the cantina for wineA more stereotypical image of ruralItaly is hard to envisage - the old, stonebuilding' s interior was dark and cool,despite scorching heat outside Elderlymen in flat caps silently sat round smalltables with red check tablecloths, playingca rds The proprietor was a mature ladywith a head-scarf, her weather-beatensk: n was heavily lined On our request forwine she opened a coarse wooden doorat the back of the room, which creakedatmospherically, and descended into thedark cellar
  The bottle she carried when she returneddisappointed me This wine I had sought-out came in a 15 litre plastic mineral-water bottle! It was clearly a mineral waterbottle as it still bore the mineral waterlabel Nor was it the first time this bottlehad held wine either, as there appearedto be wine-stains dried onto the labell Wepaid the equivalent of 25 pence and left
  A short walk along a dusty path borderedby parched grass led to Lake Albano,where we picnicked The magnificenceof that rural meal, in the shade of cedartrees, beside the lake, remains vivid inmy memory The beautifully chilled wineensured the plastic bottle glistenedwith condensation Consumed fromsimple glass tumblers, the wine had adeep lemon-gold colour and straw andpear aromas that perfectly matched thesucculent pork, whose juices infused thebread The wine' s sharpness cut throughthe pork' s fattiness, slight oxidativetouches and phenolic bitterness playedwonderfully against the tender meatLowish (c11 %) alcohol made this a perfectlunchtime-wine
  Clearly pairing it with juicy pork flatteredthis rustic white wine, but it also playedits part by complimenting the food Thecombination of place, climate, atmosphereand culture made this a sublime occasion,enhanced by the simple wine Recapturingthis combination elsewhere would beimpossible!
在大排档还能出现在广州街头的日子里,辣酒煮花螺是大排档里人气超高的海鲜小菜。爽嫩鲜甜的花螺,被醇味的酒煮过后,在辣汁的鲜香中多了一份让舌头酥麻的爽利感。拿起一颗沾满辣汁的花螺,先吮吸掉壳上的汁水,用竹签挑出螺肉就可以享受那份花螺的弹牙脆嫩口感,让人不自觉吃完一颗又一颗。  外面吃的辣酒煮花螺也不总是用花螺,也有會用东风螺的。除了体型、花纹不太一样外,东风螺肉质较软,更适合浓重的酱汁来调味;而花螺则
市场在驱动、疫情是加速剂。  The market is driven the growth of Jiang-flavor Baijiu, and the epidemic pushed it forward.站在风口上,猪都能飞起来。  对于酒业来说,酱酒无疑是这几年的风口。早在2019年,酱酒热就成为了酒业年度关键词。“做酱酒”已经成为一种趋势,而这种趋势已经从白酒厂家、白酒经销商蔓延到葡萄
测评嘉宾:  老吴  社会劈酒培训中心教导员 Li  新西兰海归,葡萄种植与葡萄酒酿造专业在读本科  Tony  法国昂热大学葡萄酒与美食专业在读硕士  似乎在一夜之间,“便利店调酒”这个话题火遍全网。这期,我们带你一起来尝试,这样的鸡尾酒玩法到底好不好喝。  Make you own cocktail with alcoholic drinksbought in convenient store
很多人对木鱼花的印象,应该来自街边买的章鱼小丸子吧。每次买章鱼小丸子,总是要提醒一句麻烦多加点木鱼花,毕竟章鱼小丸子不过是配菜,木鱼花才是灵魂呀!  其实木鱼花是鲣节刨出来的薄片。所谓的鲣节是金枪鱼科的鲣鱼晒干后的产物。鲣鱼是日本很常见的鱼类,日本飞乌时代朝廷颁布的《大宝令》中就有关于鲣鱼晒干用来煮汤十分鲜美的记载。鲣节制作十分不易,鲣魚去头尾再蒸熟后,去掉鱼刺鱼皮晾干,再用热风烘干,还要再经过烟
由山东大学文艺美学中心主办的“全球视野中的生态美学与环境美学” 国际学术研讨会于2009年10月24日至26日在山东济南召开,来自中国、日本、韩国、美国、加拿大、芬兰、葡萄牙等国与中国香港地区的70余位学者参加了会议。会议围绕着“生态美学在中国兴起的美学史意义、理论焦点与发展前景”、“西方环境美学的理论进展及其与西方生态美学的关系”、“东方传统生态智慧资源与当代生态审美观构建”、“西方生态哲学资源
3月份,由专业香槟推广平台槟客文化发起的“槟客中国·最佳香槟酒单评选”结果公布。这是大中华区首个100%专注于香槟酒的酒单评选活动,旨在评选出大中华区最具品质和专业代表性的香槟酒单与撰写入,以支持和推动中国香槟酒市场的不断发展,并带动餐饮渠道的香槟服务专业水平。在撰写一份靠谱的香槟酒单之前,侍酒师们都要先了解哪些“招数”呢?  The Sparkling Asia-China Best Champ
冬酿酒,晒腊肉一从前车马太慢,人们为了过好一个春节,往往提早好几个月就为春节筹备年货。即使来到今天,拥有电商、物流的便捷,我们不用为来不及筹备年货而发愁,但这份为新春提早作准备的热情还是延续下来了。  年味,伴随着办年货的热情中悄然而至。回忆小时候跟着大人逛花街,在一个个摊位前挑选着糖果、年橘、春联,似乎童年便是流连在花市的摊位间渐行渐远。这些长大的“年轻人”,节前囤货的“习俗”比起上一辈甚至有增
2月9-11日  西班牙葡萄酒机械设备展览会  Internat'ional Show of Winery and Bottling  Machinery and Equipment  这是西班牙最专业的葡萄酒及装瓶机械设备展之一,将于西班牙萨拉戈萨会展中心举办。届时将展示食品饮料行业的葡萄酒加工处理机械、装瓶及辅助工业、容器、实验材料等产品。上届展会总面积10000平方米,参展企业170家均来自
100 Top Values of 2020  2020最具性价比的100款  酒款名称评分(分)价格(元/瓶)  1.Bodegas Marques de Murrieta Rioja Castillo Ygay Gran Reserva Especial 2010  2010年姆列达侯爵酒庄伊格特级珍藏红葡萄酒  96 787  2.Aubert Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast
壹  41家中资澳大利亚葡萄酒酒庄名单流出  据澳媒最新报道,一份41家酒庄的“黑名单”在澳大利亞社交媒体上流传,这份名单显示了在澳经营的中资酒庄。不少澳大利亚网友呼吁抵制这些酒庄,也有网友表示,一些酒庄的老板是澳籍华人,不应当受到牵连。目前还不清楚这份名单的准确度有多高。在现在的形势下,这批中资澳大利亚酒庄被两面夹击,日子如雪上加霜。  点评:事实上,抵制这些酒庄将使被雇佣的澳大利亚工人无辜受害