朱自清写景非但逼真,而且形神兼备,富有灵性。本文分析了朱自清写景抒情的艺术 魅力和动人之处,主要是巧妙地运用艺术处理手段,如化虚为实、动静结合、感觉借移、主宾 互衬等。善于处理情与景的关系,讲究情中景,景中情的契合。用叠字、叠词、叠句增强语 言的描绘力。
Zhu Zijuan not only vivid portrait, but also shape and spirit, full of spirituality. This article analyzes Zhu Zaiqing ’s artistic appeal and charm of writing lyricism, mainly using skillfully the means of artistic treatment, such as the deficiency of the fiction, the combination of the movement and the movement, the feeling of borrowing and the guest of honor. Good at dealing with the relationship between love and King, pay attention to the situation in the King, King of the situation of the fit. Use overlapping words, overlapping words, stacking sentences to enhance the portrayal of language.