Ab initio UMP2 and UQCISD(T) calculations, with 6-311G** basis sets, were performed for the titled reactions. The results show that the reactions have two product channels: NH2+ HNCO→NH3+NCO (1) and NH2+HNCO-N2H3+CO (2), where reaction (1) is a hydrogen abstraction reaction via an H-bonded complex (HBC), lowering the energy by 32.48 kJ/mol relative to reactants. The calculated QCISD(T)//MP2(full) energy barrier is 29.04 kJ/mol, which is in excellent accordance with the experimental value of 29.09 kJ/mol. In the range of reaction temperature 2300-2700 K, transition theory rate constant for reaction (1) is 1.68 × 1011- 3.29 × 1011 mL · mol-1· s-1, which is close to the experimental one of 5.0 ×1011 mL× mol-1· s-1 or less. However, reaction (2) is a stepwise reaction proceeding via two orientation modes, cis and trans, and the energy barriers for the rate-control step at our best calculations are 92.79 kJ/mol (for cis-mode) and 147.43 kJ/mol (for trans-mode), respectively, which is much higher than
Ab initio UMP2 and UQCISD (T) calculations, with 6-311G ** basis sets, were performed for the titled reactions. The results show that the reactions have two product channels: NH2 + HNCO → NH3 + NCO (1) and NH2 + HNCO (2), where reaction (1) is a hydrogen abstraction reaction via an H-bonded complex (HBC), lowering the energy by 32.48 kJ / mol relative to reactants. The calculated QCISD (T) // MP2 full) energy barrier is 29.04 kJ / mol, which is excellent in accordance with the experimental value of 29.09 kJ / mol. In the range of reaction temperature 2300-2700 K, transition theory rate constant for reaction (1) is 1.68 × 1011- 3.29 × 1011 mL · mol -1 · s -1, which is close to the experimental one of 5.0 × 10 11 mL × mol -1 · s -1 or less. However, reaction (2) is a stepwise reaction proceeding via two orientation modes, cis and trans, and the energy barriers for the rate-control step at our best calculations are 92.79 kJ / mol for cis-mode and 147.43 kJ / mol for for-mode, respectively, respectively, is much higher than