【病例】35岁。因停经20周,要求终止妊娠入院。患者末次月经5个月前,孕期经过顺利,因无生育指标要求入院引产。产科检查:宫高24 cm。外阴正常,阴道通畅,宫颈光滑,正常大小,内诊骨盆无异常。B超检查示:胎儿头位,双顶径4.5 cm,胎盘后壁,0级,羊水深度5.0 cm。查血白细胞9.0×109/L
[Case] 35 years old. Menopause 20 weeks, requiring termination of pregnancy admission. The last menstrual period of 5 months before the patient passed the pregnancy, because of non-reproductive indicators require admission induced abortion. Obstetric examination: Palace height 24 cm. Normal vulva, vaginal patency, cervical smooth, normal size, no abnormal pelvic examination. B-ultrasound showed: fetal head position, biparietal diameter 4.5 cm, posterior wall of the placenta, 0, amniotic fluid depth 5.0 cm. Check white blood cells 9.0 × 109 / L