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英国工业遗产保护研究以工业考古学为理论基础,其目的是通过各种工业遗存物证对人类社会工业化进程进行综合必研究。布莱纳文工业遗址是英国工业革命重要的发祥地之一,不仅再现了曾经辉煌的工业生产实践,而且见证了近现代人类社会的伟大变革,是一个民族和一个时代不可泯灭的记忆,其基于“史实”的遗产信息考证和真实再现的展示方式,对于科学开展工业遗产保护利用研究具有广泛的借鉴意义。 The study of industrial heritage protection in the UK is based on industrial archeology. Its purpose is to study the process of industrialization of human society through a variety of industrial legacy evidences. Blaine Industrial Heritage Site is one of the important birthplaces of the British Industrial Revolution. It not only reproduces the once brilliant practice of industrial production, but also witnesses the great change in modern human society, an indelible memory of a nation and an era based on “Historical facts ” heritage information textual research and true reproduction of the display, for the scientific development of industrial heritage protection and utilization of a wide range of reference.